Freitag, 10. Mai 2013

To Fanfest or Not To Fanfest - Doctor Who 50th Anniversary Special

I don't know what to say. Steven Moffat is just the most egotistical, power drunk and disrespectful douche on this darn fucking planet.

 Warning: Spoilers for the 50th Anniversary Special and unreserved Moffat hate.

 Remember how happy I was when there were rumors that all the Doctor's (living and dead) would be in the 50th Anniversary Special? Ok, that wasn't all true and the rumors weren't Moffat's fault. But it would have been what the 50th Anniversary should have been like.
But at least we got David Tennant and Billie Piper back – yay! I was a happy fangirl. There's proof in the form of pictures, so unless Moffat totally screwed up their characters, that one's still lovely news and makes me look forward to this episode.
 Then all the talk about Christopher Eccleston not being back after having had a talk with Moffat. I know some people were sad, but it was to be expected. As much as I'd like to believe that he wanted to be back and just didn't like Moffat's plans... I did love his Doctor, but it was never a secret that “Doctor Who” wasn't exactly Chris's favorite job, so I never really expected him to come back in the first place. He was never a fanboy as Tennant, and never as committed to the show as, let's say Tom Baker, Sylvester McCoy or Paul McGann (doing all those audio plays and stuff).

Now, not asking any of the Classic Doctors if they wanted a part in the episode – and those are actors who really love this show, and, in fact, shaped “Doctor Who” into the huge success that it was and is... it would never have lasted for 50 years if it wasn't for them. Not asking them back... well, that's already kind of douche-y in itself. And disrespectful. (I know John Barrowman would have loved to take part as well, but... yeah, nevermind, he wasn't asked back either.)
I think not honoring the people who MADE THIS SHOW, though, that's the worst.

 And then this quote from Entertainment Weekly:
"It is important you don't turn it into a fanfest. We can't make this all about looking backwards. It's actually got to be the start of a new story."
Really, Moffat? When, do I ask you, would be a better opportunity for having a fanfest? It's the frikkin' fucking 50th Anniversary!!!!! And the show didn't last for 50 years because of your “genius”, it lasted this long because it had a faithful fanbase! And of course this episode should be about the fans that have stayed with the show for this long! Have you seen any of the other special episodes? Like... “The Three Doctors” or “The Five Doctors” - those were always fanfests! Because back then, the showrunners actually appreciated their fans!

And now, we get THIS SHIT?!!!!

I mean, not only is that cheating us of one regeneration – which, to be honest, I don't even care about anymore because... I don't know if I want to watch this show for much longer. I mean, I really enjoy the second half of series 7. Clara is a delightful companion and I feel like the stories are back to good old glory without too much of all that conspiracy theory – riddle – wibbly wobbly woozy stuff that has been shoved in our faces especially during series 6. Also, I really enjoy the current lack of River Song.
 But... I'm really afraid that all the power has gotten to Moffat's head. That guy seems to think he can do with the show whatever he wants, neglecting everything that has been established as canon prior to his reign. Also; I'm really starting to think he's just an egotistical madman.
 I always thought – at least that's what's always been said – that Moffat was a fan of the show. But to be honest, I cannot believe that anymore. There's just too much going on right now that doesn't seem very fanboy to me. At least not “Doctor Who” fanboy. It seems like the only thing that Moffat can be a fan of is himself.

 That someone is now to be the Ninth Doctor... that is unacceptable. To me this just feels like something to get back at Chris Eccleston for not wanting to participate. Like Moffat saying “You didn't want to play Nine, now someone else is going to be Nine.” And that's just childish and disrespectful (again).
 Not to speak of the fact that it messes with all the New Who counting. So Eccleston would then be the Tenth Doctor, Tennant the Eleventh and Matt Smith the Twelfth. Which means... that Matt will be the last Doctor to be able to regenerate.
 And this is just me being bitter and angry now, but it looks like Moffat wanted to make sure that he will be the last writer to ever write a regeneration. I know that's probably bonkers but I wouldn't put it past him. I feel like he wants to shape this show like no showrunner has shaped “Doctor Who” before. He wants put his mark on this one, make it his own. He doesn't want to work within the framework of the show, he wants to bend everything that ever was canon to his will. Make sure he's gonna be remembered.

 Oh, how I wish that Russell T. Davies was still running “Doctor Who” and was the one writing the 50th Anniversary episode. Not to say that he was perfect, but yes, I did and do prefer his writing to Moffat's. And I'm sure he would have turned the Anniversary Special into something wonderful and something that showed appreciation for the history of “Doctor Who”, as well as the fans who've stuck with the show for this long. Russell, please come back!

 Ok, now bring on the hate. But that's what I think.

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