Montag, 19. November 2012

I've declared war on the moon! - Doctor Who Christmas Special 2012 Prequel Minisode and Trailer

We got a prequel minisode for the Doctor Who Christmas Special!

"The Great Detective"
(Don't watch if you don't wanna be spoiled for the new companion)

It's Christmas and we're in Victorian London again – how original. But alright, I love me some “Christmas Carol” Dickensian Christmas vibe. Although, of course, we kinda already drew on that theme in the Christmas Specials 2008 and 2010. Especially in 2010, when Steven Moffat made his “Doctor Who” version of “A Christmas Carol”. But as I said: I love me some Dickensian Christmas too, so he shall be forgiven.

Madame Vastra is referred to as “The Great Detective” now? Anyone else thinking of Sherlock Holmes when reading/hearing that title? So what does that make Jenny, then? Dr. Watson? They detect, fight crime and are in a homosexual relationship. Are they now a gender- and race-swapped version of Sherlock and Watson from BBC's “Sherlock”? Who was the head writer on that one again? Oh, right...
I admit, I might have a bit of a problem with that. Simply because... how about trying to write something new?
Then again, I'm happy Vastra and Jenny are back. I loved them in “A Good Man Goes to War”. In fact, Vastra's tongue was the best thing about that episode. Please don't screw them up now. And please let the swords and the tongue action be back.

Matt Smith looks great in his mixture of a Dodger/ Ebenezer Scrooge outfit. He should be wearing a top hat more often. It's hot. (Gosh, I need to find myself a nice Victorian bloke – too bad they're all dead.)

I'm still looking forward to this year's Christmas Special very much.  

There's the promise of a new irrational fear for me. And the new companion who seems lovely. I might already like her. Then again: There's still plenty that could be screwed up about her. I liked Amy's character in the beginning too, after all. As for now, I decided to give it a chance. Series 5 was quite good after all, maybe a new companion will spice things up again and improve the show.